Ответы к учебнику по англисйкому языку за 10 класс Афанасьева. Step 3. Номер 3

Read the text and choose the right answers to the questions after it.
The Stowaways
When I lived in Liverpool, my best friend was a boy called Midge. We had a lot of things in common. There were things we enjoyed doing: climbing trees, playing footy, going to the pictures. And there were things we didn’t enjoy doing, like sums, washing behind our ears and eating cabbage.
But there was one thing that really brought us together − a love of the sea.
In the old days the river Mersey [ˈmɜ:zi] was far busier than it is today. Those were the days of the great passenger liners and cargo boats. Large ships sailed out of Liverpool for Canada, the United States, South Africa, all over the world. My father had been to sea and so had all my uncles, and my grandfather and many other men in Liverpool. By the time they were twenty, most of them had visited parts of the globe I can’t even spell. I often thought about those exotic places and all those exciting adventures. Midge and I knew what we wanted to do when we left school… become sailors. Of course, we were only about seven or eight at the time so we thought we’d have a long time to wait. But the call of the sea came sooner than we’d expected.
One day Midge and I got into trouble at school. I don’t remember what for. And to make matters worse, my mum and dad got angry and sent me to bed early for being childish (Childish! I ask you. I was a child).
So that night in bed I decided… to run away to sea. The next day Midge and I began planning our amazing around−the−world voyage. I read somewhere that sailors lived on rum and dry biscuits, so I poured some of my dad’s into an empty bottle and borrowed a handful of chocolate biscuits.
On Saturday morning, when the big hand of the clock was on twelve and the little one was on six, Midge and I met and ran as fast as we could to the pier where a lot of ships were tied up. There I chose a small ship where the crew were getting ready to set out. They were so busy doing their work that it was easy for us to slip on board unnoticed. We looked around for somewhere to hide and climbed into one of the lifeboats. Some minutes later we were off. Soon we’d be digging for diamonds in the Brazilian jungle or building sandcastles on a tropical island. After what seemed like hours and hours we decided to eat our rations, which I divided up equally. I gave Midge all the rum and had all the biscuits. That probably wasn’t a good idea as Midge got sick and we had to give ourselves up. We climbed down on to the deck. I looked out to sea hoping to catch sight of a whale, a dolphin, perhaps see the coast of America coming into view. And what did I see? The buildings of Liverpool.
Anyone can make a mistake, can’t they? We didn’t know we’d chosen a ferryboat. One that goes from Liverpool to Birkenhead and back again. We’d done four trips hidden in the lifeboat and ended up back in Liverpool. And we’d only been away about an hour and a half. We got the bus home. My mum and dad were having their breakfast. They were surprised to see me awake at such an early hour and thought I was making a joke when I told them I had run away to sea.
1) Why did the boys dream of the sea?
a) They hated school.
b) They wanted to be independent.
c) They hoped to sail to Canada, the USA and South Africa.
d) They lived in the atmosphere of sea adventure.
2) Why did the two boys make friends?
a) They shared the same interests.
b) Their relatives were sailors.
c) They both got into trouble at school.
d) They were the same age.
3) What made the storyteller think of running away?
a) He wanted to become a sailor.
b) He felt unhappy because of some events.
c) He wanted to find some gold and diamonds.
d) He wanted to see the world.
4) What helped the boys to get on board?
a) They managed to arrive before the sailors.
b) The sailors did not check the lifeboats.
c) The sailors had no time to look around.
d) It was still dark at 6 a.m.
5) Why did the boys leave the lifeboat?
a) They had been hiding too long.
b) They had eaten everything they brought.
c) One of them wanted to see whales and dolphins.
d) One of them had a health problem
6) What kind of mistake did the boys make?
a) They arrived back in Liverpool.
b) They didn’t know that ferryboats don’t travel long distances.
c) They got on board a ferry.
d) The ship they chose was too small to make a voyage across the ocean.
7) Why did the boy’s parents take his words for a joke?
a) Because it is impossible to run away to sea at night and return early in the morning.
b) Because he returned home by bus.
c) Because little boys don’t run away.
d) Because they knew he had a good sense of humour.

Read the text and choose the right answers to the questions after it.
The Stowaways
When I lived in Liverpool, my best friend was a boy called Midge. We had a lot of things in common. There were things we enjoyed doing: climbing trees, playing footy, going to the pictures. And there were things we didn’t enjoy doing, like sums, washing behind our ears and eating cabbage.
But there was one thing that really brought us together − a love of the sea.
In the old days the river Mersey [ˈmɜ:zi] was far busier than it is today. Those were the days of the great passenger liners and cargo boats. Large ships sailed out of Liverpool for Canada, the United States, South Africa, all over the world. My father had been to sea and so had all my uncles, and my grandfather and many other men in Liverpool. By the time they were twenty, most of them had visited parts of the globe I can’t even spell. I often thought about those exotic places and all those exciting adventures. Midge and I knew what we wanted to do when we left school… become sailors. Of course, we were only about seven or eight at the time so we thought we’d have a long time to wait. But the call of the sea came sooner than we’d expected.
One day Midge and I got into trouble at school. I don’t remember what for. And to make matters worse, my mum and dad got angry and sent me to bed early for being childish (Childish! I ask you. I was a child).
So that night in bed I decided… to run away to sea. The next day Midge and I began planning our amazing around−the−world voyage. I read somewhere that sailors lived on rum and dry biscuits, so I poured some of my dad’s into an empty bottle and borrowed a handful of chocolate biscuits.
On Saturday morning, when the big hand of the clock was on twelve and the little one was on six, Midge and I met and ran as fast as we could to the pier where a lot of ships were tied up. There I chose a small ship where the crew were getting ready to set out. They were so busy doing their work that it was easy for us to slip on board unnoticed. We looked around for somewhere to hide and climbed into one of the lifeboats. Some minutes later we were off. Soon we’d be digging for diamonds in the Brazilian jungle or building sandcastles on a tropical island. After what seemed like hours and hours we decided to eat our rations, which I divided up equally. I gave Midge all the rum and had all the biscuits. That probably wasn’t a good idea as Midge got sick and we had to give ourselves up. We climbed down on to the deck. I looked out to sea hoping to catch sight of a whale, a dolphin, perhaps see the coast of America coming into view. And what did I see? The buildings of Liverpool.
Anyone can make a mistake, can’t they? We didn’t know we’d chosen a ferryboat. One that goes from Liverpool to Birkenhead and back again. We’d done four trips hidden in the lifeboat and ended up back in Liverpool. And we’d only been away about an hour and a half. We got the bus home. My mum and dad were having their breakfast. They were surprised to see me awake at such an early hour and thought I was making a joke when I told them I had run away to sea.
1) Why did the boys dream of the sea?
a) They hated school.
b) They wanted to be independent.
c) They hoped to sail to Canada, the USA and South Africa.
d) They lived in the atmosphere of sea adventure.
2) Why did the two boys make friends?
a) They shared the same interests.
b) Their relatives were sailors.
c) They both got into trouble at school.
d) They were the same age.
3) What made the storyteller think of running away?
a) He wanted to become a sailor.
b) He felt unhappy because of some events.
c) He wanted to find some gold and diamonds.
d) He wanted to see the world.
4) What helped the boys to get on board?
a) They managed to arrive before the sailors.
b) The sailors did not check the lifeboats.
c) The sailors had no time to look around.
d) It was still dark at 6 a.m.
5) Why did the boys leave the lifeboat?
a) They had been hiding too long.
b) They had eaten everything they brought.
c) One of them wanted to see whales and dolphins.
d) One of them had a health problem
6) What kind of mistake did the boys make?
a) They arrived back in Liverpool.
b) They didn’t know that ferryboats don’t travel long distances.
c) They got on board a ferry.
d) The ship they chose was too small to make a voyage across the ocean.
7) Why did the boy’s parents take his words for a joke?
a) Because it is impossible to run away to sea at night and return early in the morning.
b) Because he returned home by bus.
c) Because little boys don’t run away.
d) Because they knew he had a good sense of humour.


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. Step 3. Номер №3


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Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные ответы на вопросы после него.
Когда я жил в Ливерпуле, моим лучшим другом был мальчик по имени Мидж. У нас было много общего. Были вещи, которыми мы любили заниматься: лазить по деревьям, играть в футбол, ходить в кино. И были вещи, которые нам не нравились делать, например, считать, мыть за ушами и есть капусту.
Но было одно, что нас действительно сближало − любовь к морю.
В старые времена река Мерси была гораздо оживленнее, чем сегодня. Это были дни великих пассажирских лайнеров и грузовых судов. Большие корабли отплывали из Ливерпуля в Канаду, США, Южную Африку, по всему миру. Мой отец был в море, и все мои дяди, и мой дед, и многие другие мужчины в Ливерпуле тоже. К тому времени, когда им исполнилось двадцать, большинство из них побывали в частях земного шара, которые я даже не могу произнести. Я часто думал об этих экзотических местах и ​​обо всех этих захватывающих приключениях. Мидж и я знали, чем мы хотим заниматься после окончания школы… стать моряками. Конечно, нам тогда было всего около семи или восьми лет, поэтому мы думали, что ждать придется долго. Но зов моря пришел раньше, чем мы ожидали.
Однажды у нас с Миджем случилась беда в школе. Я не помню из−за чего. И что еще хуже, мои мама и папа разозлились и отправили меня рано спать за то, что я был ребячлив (ребячество! Я спрашиваю вас. Я был ребенком).
Так что той ночью в постели я решил… сбежать в море. На следующий день мы с Миджем начали планировать наше удивительное кругосветное путешествие. Я где−то читал, что моряки питались ромом и сухим печеньем, так что я налил немного отцовского в пустую бутылку и одолжил горсть шоколадного печенья.
В субботу утром, когда большая стрелка часов показывала двенадцать, а маленькая — шесть, мы с Миджем встретились и со всех ног побежали к пристани, где было пришвартовано много кораблей. Там я выбрал маленькое судно, где экипаж готовился к отплытию. Они были так заняты своей работой, что нам было легко проскользнуть на борт незамеченными. Мы поискали, где бы спрятаться, и забрались в одну из спасательных шлюпок. Через несколько минут мы тронулись. Вскоре мы будем добывать алмазы в бразильских джунглях или строить замки из песка на тропическом острове. По прошествии, казалось, часов за часами мы решили съесть свой паек, который я разделил поровну. Я отдал Миджу весь ром и съел все печенье. Вероятно, это была плохая идея, так как Мидж заболел, и нам пришлось сдаться. Мы спустились на палубу. Я посмотрел в море, надеясь увидеть кита, дельфина, может быть, увидеть побережье Америки, появляющееся в поле зрения. И что я увидел? Здания Ливерпуля.
Любой может ошибиться, не так ли? Мы не знали, что выбрали паром. Тот, который идет из Ливерпуля в Биркенхед и обратно. Мы совершили четыре рейса, прятавшись в спасательной шлюпке, и снова оказались в Ливерпуле. А мы отсутствовали всего полтора часа. Мы сели на автобус домой. Мои мама и папа завтракали. Они были удивлены, увидев, что я проснулся в такой ранний час, и подумали, что я шучу, когда сказал им, что сбежал в море.
1) Почему мальчики мечтали о море?
a) Они ненавидели школу.
b) Они хотели быть независимыми.
c) Они надеялись уплыть в Канаду, США и Южную Африку.
d) Они жили в атмосфере морских приключений.
2) Почему два мальчика подружились?
a) У них были общие интересы.
b) Их родственники были моряками.
c) У них обоих были проблемы в школе.
d) Они были одного возраста.
3) Что заставило рассказчика подумать о побеге?
a) Он хотел стать моряком.
b) Он чувствовал себя несчастным из−за каких−то событий.
c) Он хотел найти немного золота и бриллиантов.
d) Он хотел увидеть мир.
4) Что помогло мальчикам попасть на борт?
a) Им удалось прибыть раньше матросов.
b) Матросы не проверили спасательные шлюпки.
c) Матросам было некогда смотреть по сторонам.
d) В 6 утра было еще темно.
5) Почему мальчики покинули спасательную шлюпку?
a) Они слишком долго прятались.
b) Они съели все, что принесли.
c) Один из них хотел увидеть китов и дельфинов.
d) У одного из них были проблемы со здоровьем
6) Какую ошибку совершили мальчики?
a) Они вернулись в Ливерпуль.
b) Они не знали, что паромы не ходят на большие расстояния.
c) Они сели на паром.
d) Корабль, который они выбрали, был слишком мал, чтобы совершить путешествие через океан.
7) Почему родители мальчика восприняли его слова за шутку?
a) Потому что невозможно ночью убежать в море и вернуться рано утром.
b) Потому что он вернулся домой на автобусе.
c) Потому что маленькие мальчики не убегают.
d) Потому что они знали, что у него хорошее чувство юмора.
спасательная шлюпка

1 − d, 2 − a, 3 − b, 4 − c, 5 − d, 6 − c, 7 − a.

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